Sunset Magazine's super-hip blog Westphoria gives a sneak peak of the magnificent installation they created of our Gracie Modern Arbor in their test gardens at the magazine's Menlo Park headquarters.
The garden editors at Sunset styled this garden by choosing Scarlett Runner Beans to magically climb and integrate with the Gracie arbor. The pairing of climbing beans with the artful support of the Gracie Arbor creates the most stunning work of living, edible art. The installation also illustrates just how easy it is to create an instant garden pathway: by simply placing the pop-up Gracie arbor in a yard with a few flagstones, you've created an easy garden entrance and footpath. Brilliant AND beautiful, Sunset!
Also on the Sunset radar: this year's Sunset Magazine's Idea House was located in the California wine-country hamlet of Healdsburg. Our Akoris Garden Tuteur Sr. (in berry, above) was installed in the inspiring modern veggie gardens designed by Habitat Design. Blu Homes built this stunning pre-fab home which was equal parts brains and beauty, embracing environmentally-smart design choices at every turn.
The fall issue of the venerable Landscape Architecture Magazine also featured TerraTrellis in a story which explores inventive, artful supports in the garden. We couldn't be more thrilled to get the nod from this design industry taste-maker, published by the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA).